Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Let's start things off: Why a Blog?

I've been delaying this for quite some time now. There's no real reason, I just never got around to it. But then again, why do a blog? why now? Unlike all great questions, this one has a simple answer: Because I can. I'm done with school, just finished my Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (sounds fancier than it is) @ the University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez ("Colegio" as we call it"), so I sort have some time on my hands at the moment. I've been trolling quite a few blogs over the past few months (gotta love RSS) and thought I'd be a good idea to have a place to store some thoughts on current issues going on in my life, puerto rico (answering the ever burning question for all of my friends abroad: "where's the party at?"), and (if I really have to) post some thoughts on any issue I might have some particular expertise in (these'll creep up from time to time). Let's see if I can keep this fun and exciting for everyone (feedback about my writing style, comments or anything is particularly appreciated)....the rest of my life awaits.


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