Thursday, May 20, 2004

Blog Fever

So it seems I have blog fever...and if I'm the first poor sap to be taken ahold by such a malady, I shall take the time to enlighten you to its symptoms. You see, I have spent the last few days, enjoying the last bit of my academic career (I just finished my BS if you've been keeping tabs on my blog). It has been an incredible journey....5 years of discovering myself (I do not believe in change....that's enough fuel for a whole separate entry) is something I'm very proud of. I believe (hopefully someone else in the world thinks as I do) that to be able to admit that "we're only human" (--Robocop) is a lot more difficult than most would have us believe. Now getting back to the topic of blog fever...I have found it incredibly satisfying to just sit down and write about the things that are swirling around on my mind. So, what are the symptoms of "blog fever"....haha there are a few. First off, everything you think about on your own go over it on your head how are you going to write about it....everything becomes an entry on your blog. Whatever it taking up your mind think 'how can I write about thing on the blog'....and then you stop yourself from thinking about what you want to think about because your blog is not available to you. (As most things you're not aware of) It's a pretty weird feeling. Now, for me at least, the most interesting symptom of blog fever is the urge to write about stuff you previously kept under wraps to even your closest friend...I mean, the desire of writing about your most intimate thoughts in a place that's available to potentially millions of individuals is beyond me....yet here I am...writing about it. Regardless, I hope all this is just a phase (for some reason I doubt it atm). Blog fever.....any antidotes....please comment.


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